Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Persuading and Encouraging, Preventing Someone from Doing Something.

There are materials about Persuading and Encouraging, Preventing Someone from Doing Something

Persuading is an expression to persuade someone. So, someone want to do something as like as persuader’s request. 

Expressions of Persuading :
§   Are you really sure you can’t/couldn’t...?
§   Don’t be so silly!
§   I really think it would be a pity if we didn’t...
§   Are you quite sure you won’t consider...?
§   Buy me this one, Mom, please ?

Passive Voice


Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.

Example: My bike was stolen.
In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it.
Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows:
Example: A mistake was made.
In this case, I focus on the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blame anyone (e.g. You have made a mistake.).

Contrastive Conjunction and Modal Perfect

Types of conjunction
Different types of conjunctions link information in different ways. It is important to know which conjunctions establish which types of links.
There are five main types of conjunction in English.
1. Conjunctions of addition and replacement
Additive conjunctions simply add more information to what is already there. Examples of additive conjunctions include:
and, also, in addition, not only … but also, moreover, further, besides.
The study used a small sample only and was strongly criticized for this reason. Furthermore, the initial premise of the research was considered questionable in the light of previous evidence.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct Speech / Quoted Speech

Saying exactly what someone has said is called direct speech (sometimes called quoted speech)
Here what a person says appears within quotation marks ("...") and should be word for word.
For example:
She said, "Today's lesson is on presentations." Or "Today's lesson is on presentations," she said.

Discussion Text

Discussion is a text which presents a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different points of view. It presents pro and contra opinion on certain issue. The purpose of a discussion text is to present arguments and information from differing viewpoints.

Narrative Text




Narrative text is a text which contains about story (fiction/non fiction/tales/folktales/fables/myths/epic) and its plot consists of climax of the story (complication) then followed by the resolution.

Asking about Possibilities, Expressing Curiosity and Desire.


To know, to find, to inform possibilities the following phrases might be useful.

Do you think it is possible

  • ·         Is it likely to….
  • ·         Is there any chance?
  • ·         Can she be…?
  • ·         I think it is going to….
  • ·         I bet…..